The Wrangler Program

The Wrangler Program is designed to begin your journey towards learning more about the wonderful world of horses and the opportunities for you to volunteer  at The Flying G Ranch in several capacities. This program is designed for those who wish to learn more about working with horses and people at a Christian camp.

The Christian Camping Industry is an exciting field filled with fun, adventure and HARD work. We feel it is a vital ministry and this is why we have developed this program.

This intensive program will  prepare you for the future. Whether your goal is to work at Christian horse camps or you just want to learn more about horses, this course will provide the opportunity for advancement.

We are looking for three characteristics in our students:

Willingness ~ Dedication ~ Hard Work

 We feel this  is  the recipe for success  at The Flying G Ranch.

This is not a program to be entered into lightly. It requires hard work and dedication. This is NOT a program where students can be inconsistent in their attendance and completion of assignments.  If you do not have the time to put into this course then it is not the course for you.

Consistent Horsemanship Classes, reading assignments, clinics and volunteer time will be expected of all students.

Volunteer time will include stable chores, hands-on horse care, helping students groom and saddle their horses and assisting instructors in the arena.

The Wrangler  Training Program is designed for students who are looking for a more “hands-on” experience with horses and horse care.  It is an extensive program that allows students to pursue their love and passion for horses.

The cost for the Wrangler Program is $80/month, this includes Riding Club fees, Wrangler Classes and selected camp days.

To find out more: